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Origin of the Name “Bobby”

The name Bobby’ origin is an English name which Robert is the real name. Bobby is an abbreviation or nick name for a boy. However, this name is not as common as it was at one time. You will probably not find the name “Bobby” or “Robert” listed in books of the most popular names for baby’s.

Bobby can also be spelt as Bobbie or Bob for short.

Other Uses of the Name

In the UK a Bobby is the nickname for a police officer after the founder of the police force, Robert Peel.
It is also reported that the name “Bobby” is actually a Scottish slang for Penis.

Popularity of the Name

The popularity of Bobby has greatly diminished and it was not in the top 100 baby boys’ names in England in 2014. The name Bobby was more common within the 1950’s and 1960’s. However, you may still find males with the name Robert which of course “Bobby” is the nick name.

Traits of People with the Name

It has been said that a person with the name “Bobby” has a sense of family. In addition, a person named “Bobby” is said to have a deep desire for a loving and stable home environment.

Some people with the name “Bobby” tend to be more of a leader as opposed to a follower. Therefore, a male named “Bobby” is more than likely a person whom would give orders instead of taking them.

Famous People with the Name Bobby

Useful Resources

Discover the meaning and origin of other English male names.

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