Names Beginning with P

English boys names starting with the letter P. Discover the meaning and popularity of these names including the names Patrick, Peter, Percy and much more.

PaddyPet name for Patrick**
PancrasFrom Greek name Pankratios*
PatPet name for Patrick**
PatrickPatron St. Of Ireland***
PaulFrom Paulus meaning Small***
PearceA form of Pierce**
PercePet form of Percy*
PercivalFrom the French name Perceval*
PercyPet form of Percival***
PerrySomeone who lived by a pear tree***
PeterPopular biblical name from the name Petros****
PhilShort form of Philip***
PhilbertMeans most bright*
PhilipFrom a person who loves horses***
PhiloFrom the name Philon*
PierceFrom the name Piers**
PiersMiddle English male name derived from of Peter*

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